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Volume 18 Number 4, Winter 2021, Pages 1071-1525   

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Language Assessment Literacy among School-teachers in Goa: Two Teacher Scenarios

    Rama Mathew & Antony John Kunnan

This is the second part of the two-part article on language assessment literacy - in terms of understanding and classroom practice - among teachers in schools in Goa, a state in the western part of India (see Kunnan et al., 2021 for the first part). This part focuses on a qualitative analysis of data from interviews/focus group discussions as well as classroom observations. In-depth interviews and classroom observations were carried out to get a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. The article describes the narrative views of teachers and what was observed in classrooms regarding their assessment knowledge and practices. What emerged was a clear picture of two scenarios, labelled as Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. These scenarios represented quite clearly two distinct portrayals of the role and practice of assessment. The first scenario was one in which assessment was not understood and practiced in a way that is meaningful and useful from the point of view of student learning. The second scenario described a situation where assessments were meaningful.

Keywords: Teaching, assessment, formative and summative assessmwent, integrating teaching and assessment