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Volume 19 Number 1, Spring 2022, Pages 1-397 |
A Case for Using Authentic Infographics as Language Tasks
Jason Moser
Digital technology has changed how we create and process information. It is suggested that we have moved from ‘a world told to a world shown' as images have become central to digital information dissemination. One commonly used image is the information graphic (infographic). The first part of this paper briefly discusses the rise of infographics as part of an increase of non-linguistics modes of communication used in digital content. The second part of the paper demonstrates how authentic infographics principledly implemented through task-based learning can be used effectively in the language classroom to develop language proficiency and 21st century literacies like multi-modal literacy.
Keywords: Infographic, task-based learning, task generator, multi-modal literacy, data visualization, transmediation |