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Volume 19 Number 2, Summer 2022, Pages 398-739   

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Classroom Activities, Classroom Anxiety and Teacher Roles: Three Dimensions Revealing Class Reality of a University English Course

    Qiang Huang

Language learning in classrooms has been studied from different perspectives. Among numerous focuses, the present study aims to examine three dimensions—classroom activities, classroom anxiety and teacher roles as well as their interactions by investigating 49 students of an English class at university. Quantitative instruments of three 5-likert scales were used to measure the number and the frequency of classroom activities used in the English class, the level of classroom anxiety of students as well as their perceptions of teacher roles. Results showed that the English class was “often” dominated by interactive activities, coupled “sometimes” with language exercises and “occasionally” with real-life tasks. In this activity-dominated English class, learners revealed rather low level of classroom anxiety. In contrast, the overall higher mean of teacher role perceived indicated noticeably facilitating impact of the teacher in class. Correlational analyses disclosed that classroom anxiety was neither significantly correlated with teacher role nor with classroom activity. However, a significant correlation was found between classroom activities and teacher roles.

Keywords: classroom activities, classroom anxiety, teacher roles, class reality