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Volume 19 Number 4, Winter 2022, Pages 1141-1336 |
The Effect of Mobile Application Types on Learner's Vocabulary Ability and Affective Domain
Gyung-mo Yang & Jiyoung Bae
This study aims to examine the effect of mobile application types on learners' vocabulary ability and affective domain. Using two different types of mobile applications, ClassCard and Kahoot!, this study investigates how flashcard-type and game-type mobile applications affect students' vocabulary retention and factors related to affective domain. One hundred forty-one participants in S public girl's high school in South Korea participated in this study, and they were divided into ClassCard and Kahoot! group based on their pre-test vocabulary scores. Results collected from pre-, post-, and delayed-post vocabulary tests and pre- and post- surveys were analyzed using SPSS program. Independent sample t-test was used to compare and contrast the results between the ClassCard and Kahoot group, and paired sample t-test and repeated measures ANOVA were conducted to analyze in detail the effect of each mobile application. The results have shown that there are no significant differences between the two experimental groups in terms of vocabulary retention and affective factors. However, in-depth analysis of each application showed significant improvement in all areas.
Keywords: mobile application, vocabulary retention, affective domain |