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Volume 20 Number 2, Summer 2023, Pages 215-506   

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Exploring the Impact of TPACK-based Teacher Professional Development (TPD) Program on EFL Teachers' TPACK Confidence and Beliefs

    Nur Arifah Drajati, Hyo-Jeong So, Hilda Rakerda, Ma'rifatul Ilmi & Hefy Sulistyawati

This research explicates the impacts of the English as Foreign Language (EFL) Teacher Professional Development (TPD) program for fostering EFL teachers' technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) competence. The TPD program included the scaffolding framework, co-designing lessons, reviewing lessons with peers and researchers, and implementing TPACK in a real classroom. This case study examines data from EFL teachers' diaries and interviews to explore the impacts of TPACK-based TPD on EFL teachers' confidence and beliefs about technology integration. Two main findings indicate: (1) TPACK-based TPD program provided positive impacts on EFL teachers' confidence and beliefs; (2) most EFL teachers developed their confidence and beliefs about TPACK during the lesson enactment in the real classrooms mainly influenced by their personal, vicarious, social, and cultural experiences. This study provides implications for TPD programs, school stakeholders, and EFL teachers' community in developing EFL teachers' confidence and beliefs in teaching supported by the TPACK framework.

Keywords: Belief, confidence, Indonesian EFL teacher, TPACK, TPD