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Volume 20 Number 3, Autumn 2023, Pages 507-753   

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A Multi-Method Probe into the Effect of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies-Based Instruction on EFL Learners' Essay Writing Performance, Self-Regulated Strategies, and Academic Self-Efficacy

    Reza Bagheri Nevisi & Nassim Safiloo

This research delved into the impact of SRL strategies-based instruction on EFL students' L2 writing performance, academic self-efficacy, and use of SRL strategies. To this end, 50 Iranian EFL learners, including 25 males and 25 females, attended the study. The experimental group was provided with a four-month SRL strategies-based intervention which followed the Self-Regulated Strategy Development model adapted from Harris and Graham (1996), and the control group took the traditional writing course needed by the university curriculum with the same length. All the students were required to accomplish pre- and post-writing tests as well as self-report questionnaires, including the Writing Strategies for Self-Regulated Learning Questionnaire and the second Language Writer Self-Efficacy Scale, at the beginning and the end of the instruction. The outcomes showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-writing test. Experimental group 's levels of linguistic self-efficacy and performance self-efficacy were remarkably higher than their counterparts in the control group. The study further implies that the instruction might contribute to the increased application of SRL strategies in EFL writing classes in a way that students might become more self-directed and self-regulated in their overall language performance in general and their written performances in particular.

Keywords: Self-regulated learning, Strategies-based writing, L2 writing performance, Academic self-efficacy