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Volume 3 Number 3, Autumn 2006, Pages 1-175   

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From the Editor-in-Chief

    Bernard Spolsky and Jin-Wan Kim

We are happy to provide more space for you're your contributions. With this issue, we report on the change of leadership. As Managing Editor, Professor Jin-wan Kim gave the Journal its excellent start, setting high standards and achieving an international reputation for academic quality. Tempted by another challenge, he has now passed on the mantle to a successor, and this issue, prepared under the leadership of Professor Jihyeon Jeon, the new Managing Editor, shows that these high standards will continue to be maintained. It is a sign of the strength of Asia TEFL and of the team that its president has gathered that this transition has been so smooth.

The issue shows again the breadth of the countries represented, its articles coming from Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Israel, Korea, Vietnam, and Indonesia. They report solid research and innovative thoughts about the teaching of English in Asia. The emphasis is perhaps practical, as befits a journal read mainly by teachers. Topics covered include rubrics, portfolios, the possibilities of immersion, the differences in writing styles, and the place of grammar in teaching. Given that diversity in the modern world so often lead to violence, it is particularly encouraging that to articles deal specifically with cooperation: one, with the cooperation between native and non-native teachers often seen as a source of conflict but shown here to be the basis for greater achievement, and the second with cooperation between Jews and Arabs in teacher training in Israel.

Once again, we are thanks to the team of the editorial reviewers who supported the Managing Editors in a difficult task and to the contributors.

Bernard Spolsky

Managing Editor's Note

First, I would like to heart-filled thanks for the tremendous encouragement and support that I received for my assignment as the Managing Editor. I would also like to express my deep appreciation to all members of the Editorial Board and the guest readers for their time and expertise in reviewing and editing manuscripts. Specifically, I want to mention Prof. Jin-Wan Kim for his unsparing guidance and support.

The articles in this issue address different areas of the profession: L2 materials (Kristofer Bayne), portfolio assessment (Sarintip Raksasataya), collaborative L2 teaching (Wen-Hsing Luo), cross-cultural communications (Maureen Rajuan & Orly Michael), L2 immersion program (Dong Wan Cho), L2 academic writing (Ly Thi Tran), and L2 grammar acquisition (Luciana). I greatly appreciate all of the authors for their great contributions.

Through the years, the spirit of cooperation grew stronger among the editors of the Journal of AsiaTEFL. This new spirit will help continue this growth in the coming years, maintaining the high standards set in the previous years. I look forward to receiving contributions and gaining wider readership among the professional community.

Managing Editor
Jin-Wan Kim