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Volume 20 Number 3, Autumn 2023, Pages 507-753 PDF Download

An Analysis of EFL Teachers' Digital creativity and Its Relation to Their Instructional Creativity: A Case of Indonesian Primary and Secondary Schools

    Herri Mulyono, Szilvia Bátyi & Amirul Mukminin

The current study was aimed to examine the Indonesian English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers' digital creativity and its relation to their instructional creativity. Using a survey design, the study collected the quantitative data from 422 EFL teachers across the Indonesian primary and secondary school levels. The data collected were analysed using the Rasch-based regression method. Results found that almost half of the participants had a low level of digital creativity, particularly in terms of creating digital content or products, using digital applications to create school-activity-related podcasts and attending digital courses. Low levels of instructional creativity were also found among the teachers. Teachers acknowledged that they had little success in integrating various teaching methods in the classroom and allowing students to evaluate their own learning process. Multiple regression analyses revealed that teachers' digital creativity and age could be associated with their instructional creativity, while gender and school level did not indicate any association. The study emphasises the need to increase digital creativity and instructional creativity of teachers through technology-based training, as it was observed that a substantial number of Indonesian teachers possessed limited digital creativity and exhibited difficulty in combining instructional methods and promoting student assessment in the classroom.

Keywords: digital creativity, secondary schools, instructional activity, Rasch