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Volume 21 Number 1, Spring 2024, Pages 1-269   

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Interlanguage Pragmatic Learning Strategies (IPLS) as Predictors of Iranian EFL Learners' Comprehension of Conversational Implicature: Structural Equation Modeling Approach

    Rahime Karbakhsh Ravari & Naser Rashidi

One important individual characteristic exerting influence over the acquisition of pragmatic knowledge is pragmatic learning strategies. As it is in nascent stages of research interest, an attempt was made to investigate whether Iranian EFL learners' comprehension of conversational implicature was predicted by memory, cognitive, metacognitive, social, compensation, and affective interlanguage pragmatic learning strategies. Totally, 376 upper-intermediate and advanced EFL learners, on the basis of their performance on a sample of Oxford Quick Placement Test, participated in this investigation. To carry out the present study, three data collection instruments were utilized including: Oxford Quick Placement Test, Interlanguage Pragmatic Learning Strategies Inventory, and Conversational Implicature Test. The hypothesized model was tested employing Amos 24 statistical package and revealed that Iranian EFL learners' conversational implicature was predicted by cognitive, metacognitive and compensation interlanguage pragmatic learning strategies. Moreover, EFL learners' cognitive IPLS was identified to be the strongest predictor (β= 0.45, p<.05) in predicting conversational implicature. This study concludes that the cognitive, metacognitive and compensation IPLS strategies can promote EFL learners' comprehension of conversational implicature. The findings of the study can contribute to EFL teachers to implement more interlanguage pragmatic learning strategies in their classroom activities to develop better comprehension of conversational implicature and integrate this knowledge into the overall learning experiences.

Keywords: interlanguage pragmatic learning strategies, conversational implicature, SEM