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Volume 5 Number 4, Winter 2008, Pages 1-210   

Bernard Spolsky
view: 3245
down: 998

John Trent
view: 5000
down: 2313

Atsuko Kashiwagi and Michael Snyder
view: 5684
down: 3774

Dongwan Cho
view: 5041
down: 5368

Junhong Xiao
view: 5394
down: 2135

Siti Mina Tamah
view: 4989
down: 5996

Myong Hee Ko
view: 5264
down: 8553

I-Jung Chen and Wen-Chun Chen
view: 5684
down: 2391

Sabrin Farooqui
view: 5950
down: 14289