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Current Issue
Volume 8 Number 4, Winter 2011, Pages 1-248   

Bernard Spolsky
view: 3792
down: 1086

Jim Y. H. Chan and Stephen Evans
view: 6561
down: 6198

Yi-Wen Liu and Ching-Fen Chang
view: 4928
down: 2901

Hsueh Chu CHEN
view: 5513
down: 8842

Malachi Edwin Vethamani
view: 7019
down: 20400

Kyoung Rang Lee
view: 5726
down: 3470

Joseph Ernest Mambu
view: 5372
down: 7082

Gi-Pyo Park and Brian F. French
view: 5572
down: 2385

Haixiao WANG and Clifford HILL
view: 5347
down: 14739

  Forum Papers
Isaiah WonHo Yoo
view: 5419
down: 2005

  Book Reviews
Dr. Stephen J Hall
view: 3862
down: 1171